The Easy Way To Teaching Preschool Dance Classes

By on 15:13

By Charles Allen

Children are naturally imaginative. They can be tough to manage and hold down, especially toddlers. Teaching them can require the most energy, effort and of course, lots and lots of patience. It is a tougher work to lead them, than what you generally expect.

Some teachers are thought to have some type of magic touch because they seem to do it well than the rest. Especially when talking about preschool dance classes Calgary. Sometimes, it is just a matter of problem solving. A few strategies may do you some good.

Do not try to teach them to dance the way someone else does, just because other kids can. Let them be the kids that they are. Allow them freedom while letting them follow certain steps. Lower your expectations and do not expect they can dance the same way you have taught them the steps. That is not good. Let them do it their way first.

Do not be stuck with the ideology of letting a kid move like somebody else. Let them focus on the sheer delight of learning their bodies and being able to move it. Keep your expectations at a minimum. Around about eight years old, expectations may be possible. Around this time below that age, let freedom be their thing.

Everything can change. Level of energy, their group dynamics, attention span and their tendency to look for food at the middle of an activity. Never ignore the needs of the children and be flexible to it. Give positive feedback whenever possible.

Do transitions quickly on movements. Give the children the illusion that you are always one step ahead. The truth is, they can be way smarter and faster than you will be. They cannot know that. Prepare music if that is what you are using. Be as close to it as possible. Have a plan but be spontaneous so you can deviate when you need to. Be sure to know what is coming next and get the music ready.

Make yourself the most interesting part of the room. Keep your energy level high for them by lighting up the room with you leading it. Let the tone of your voice vary and maintain your energy for them. Otherwise, they will be inattentive because kids have usually a short attention span. Do not be scared to be goofy for them.

Say what you expect to see, even though they do not really do it yet. This is where imagination comes in. When you think you need to get them to raise their hands but they are not doing it, say as though they are raising their hands. You will be surprised how easily they will follow. Thank them for something they did not do yet, and you will see that they will be doing it.

Anticipate problems in teaching a class, especially a dancing class. No day will be perfect. You can go through it by never losing faith in the kids and keeping your cool. Be flexible and listen to them too. This will make them appreciate you more and follow your lead as they dance.

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.