Why You Need Healthy Brains

By on 10:40

By Linda Ruiz

Some people seem to be cleverer than others but the only sure way to use is to use the intelligence quotient test. This is the only acceptable score board world wide. There are numerous researches that have been done by scientists to determine what makes healthy brains. A person can inherit or acquire it. Two major determinants are parents and place of birth.

It is a definition of various possibilities. It is able to foretell a persons highest education level and their possible achievement in life. Other than these, the tests can also be used by human analyst to foretell individual class of employment and possible pay.

It is one of the most important parts of the human organs but most people rarely pay attention to it unless a need arises. It helps to retain good memory and to remember important things and events. Emotional stability is needed for good relationships and this organ helps a person to attain balance.It also increases consciousness. People who maintain a good diet do not get memory loss as fast as others.

Physical Exercise is not only good for the body but it does wonders to the brain. Frequent exercise helps the brain to develop strong muscles. The blood flow to the brain also improves, thus prevents fainting and other complications associated with less oxygen to the brain.

The only way to stay smart and updated is to keep reading all kinds of books and materials. Ensure to be updated on the latest news. Ensure you acquire new skills and abilities to enhance your talent.

Doctors claim that some disorders are unavoidable. Generalized anxiety disorder is one. It is serious as studies show it affects about six percent of the entire population. Patients show signs of restlessness, anxiety, worrying, emotional instability and they do not react to situations as others do.

To increase power watch what you put in your plate. Foods to eat are blue berries because they reduce dementia, improves learning ability and enhance movement. Whole grain contains minerals and vitamins that are critical.

Fish has always form palatable source of food for many years. Its classes some of which includes sardines, herrings and salmon are source of omega three which enhances development. Children are therefore encouraged to take omega three during their formative years in order to improve on their general performance in school.

Nuts are another food to keep note of. Peanuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazel nuts and cashew nuts contain vitamin. Turmeric is a kind of spice that boosts memory and helps to formulate brain cells. This helps to keep the organ in track.

Eat a lot of Seeds. Sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are the best. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of zinc which helps to enhance memory. Red meat contains vitamin b 12 which avoids brain shrinkage. Avocados increase blood flow to the brain. Tomatoes are a strong antioxidant. Black currants contain vitamin C. Virgin oil and coconut oil should be on the diet.

Some food must be avoided. Shun all sugars and carbohydrates. Consuming large quantities of food has a negative effect. Grans which have been processed are never better either. Substances such as alcohol and smoking that results to damage and other ailments should also be avoided.

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About Syed Faizan Ali

Faizan is a 17 year old young guy who is blessed with the art of Blogging,He love to Blog day in and day out,He is a Website Designer and a Certified Graphics Designer.